White commercial roof in Arizona

Cost Comparison: Flat Roof Materials

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Comparing flat roofing replacement costs is a smart way to create a realistic roofing budget.   Whether financing roof replacement or paying in cash, let’s look at three different materials.

Three Popular Types of Flat Roof Materials & Their Costs

Listed below are the average costs of three popular flat roof materials.  Costs can vary based on many factors, so it’s best to use this article as a starting point instead of a definitive list.

Ethylene Propylene Diene Terpolymer (EPDM)

Many commercial and industrial properties opt for EPDM because when installed in white, it reflects much of the sun’s heat rather than absorbing it.

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EPDM costs typically range from $5 – 13 per square foot.



Thermoplastic Polyolefin (TPO)

This material is popular for Arizona flat roofing because it’s also reflective to minimize heat gain.  TPO is available in several base colors.  This is rapidly becoming the most

popular type of flat roof material.

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TPO costs typically range from $6-8 per square foot.



Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)

This single-ply option is also popular in Arizona.

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PCV costs typically range from $7-$9 per square foot.



Calculate Your Commercial Roof’s Square Footage

Use this simple math equation to estimate your commercial roof’s square footage.

  1. Find out your building’s width and length.
  2. Multiply the building’s length by its width to find its area.

Here’s an example.

Let’s say your building is 60 feet long x 40 feet wide:  60 x 40 = 2,400.

Assuming a typical minimal slope (or pitch) to the flat roof, this means you can comfortably budget for approximately  2,400 square feet of materials.  If there are parapets (walls) around the roof, typically the roofing material also goes up the inside of the parapets at least 12”.  Remember, this is only an estimate because we’re not considering other roofing elements or nuances.

Other Factors That Influence Flat Roof Replacement Cost

  • Roof Size 

The larger your roof, the more expensive it will be to replace, although the per-square-foot amount will decrease.

  • Labor & Time Commitment

One of the most expensive aspects of a roof replacement is the cost of labor to get the work completed.  But you want the job done by a competent, professional team who gets it right the first time.

  • Accessibility and Complexity of Roof and Roofing Systems 

The more details present on your roof and the more difficult to access or work on, the more time it can take, which drives up costs.  Luckily, a trustworthy roofing company will look for this during the initial estimate and let you know about it ahead of time.

The SUNVEK Roofing team provides free estimates, so you can get a sense of cost before fully committing to a project.  After all, preparation is key to a successful roofing project.

Arizona Commercial Roof Repair

Prioritizing low-cost, flat roofing options makes sense, but this is an area where you don’t want to skimp.  A sturdy, well-constructed roof protects your commercial property, customers, employees, and inventory from environmental factors.

SUNVEK is poised to care for your commercial roofing needs.  Our team of professionals can help compare different material options to find the best one for you in terms of cost and your building’s needs.

Read our testimonials to learn why SUNVEK is one of the most trusted Arizona roofing companies around!  Then, reach out and get your next roofing project started.  Once the job is done, you’ll be glad you didn’t wait.

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